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wFriday, January 27, 2006

Friday. I just ran 7 miles in a little over 54 minutes, my best long run of the season. Justin Schu and I are training for a 1/2 marathon, and this phase is building endurance/working the lactate threshold. Its amazing today, 50s and sunny.

Jenna's starting to show a bit now, to my eyes at least, which is truly amazing. I can't believe we're pregnant. Its actually happening. Its amazing.

Justin, Wicked is huge here and everyone's talking about it.

Well, not everyone. Not everyone at work. They don't talk about much, and in fact I'm not sure they really do much outside of work. Some things here and there. They're good guys. They don't watch sports. They don't know basketball, football, or baseball. They don't run and pretty much are quiet. It makes me so happy to go home sometimes.

A weekend in Cincy...our first in January. Hopefully filled with Smallville and sunny skies.

posted by Eric at 4:15 PM