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wSunday, April 09, 2006

Well its been a darn long time. Mini life update here...

Yes, Jenna and I are pregnant. Well, she's the prego one, I'm the "coach" as our labor class calls me. We're right around 5 months, which means that we just had our ultrasound! You can check it out here. She can feel the baby kick and she's really starting to show. Its a wonderful time of life.

I'm training for a 1/2 marathon in Indy with Justin Schu. So that gives me an excuse to run during the gorgeous spring days like today.

We are trying to travel a lot while (a) Jenna feels good, and (b) before the baby comes. So the past few weeks we've left our humble abode in Cincy for weekend trips in St. Louis, Dayton, Columbus, and BG. Just kidding, not BG yet. My wife is on the beach right now soaking up some sun on her pregnant belly. And I'm working. She's on spring break from dance teaching. There you go.

posted by Eric at 9:26 PM